Lately, business has been picking up at the Table, which is awesome.
So much so that we have an extra server on the lunch shift to help man the chaos that often ensues.
Except Mondays.
Like today.
I woke up today feeling a bit under the weather and almost considered calling off, yet something told me I had better not.
When I got to work, Jen informed me that we had a significant reservation at 11:30 for about 15 people, and that we were going to set them up in the back dining room.
As we began the lunch, the dining room quickly filled with folks and Ben prepared the back for the expected group, as he was their designated server.
11:30 came and went.
No group.
Come 12:15, a couple of people began trickling in.
In a matter of 10-15 minutes, it became clear that the group well exceeded the originally established number of 15.
(Ben later guessed about 20+ people)
He then said I was to man the dining room, with Jen's help, so that he could properly accomodate the group.
Not a problem.
Then things got hairy...
The lunch rush surged with no signs of relent, and Ben was rushrushrushing to disperse drinks to the ever restless group in the back.
THEN came the lunch orders.
Not only did all of them order some combination of the unlimited lunch special, but several of them had "special request/modifications" to their meals.
As Jen and I tried to keep the dining room to a minimal amount of chaos, and the kitchen staff strived to chucked out the plates of food as we were keying them in, Ben approached the computer to begin the 3 to 5 minute period in which he had to key in all of the food orders for his group.
Along with the special request/modifications, mind you.
(OH, and keep this in mind:
Shortly after they arrived, they quickly informed Ben that they had to be back to their place of work by 1:30.)
I'm pretty sure the kitchen staff began to pray and swear when they realized they were about to be UBER slammed.
Now, usually the kitchen staff, much like any kitchen staff (I assume), approaches each ticket in the order they are received.
Sometimes if it's slower, they can juggle multiple tickets.
UNFORTUNATELY, this was not the case, and this large group's order completely monopolized the kitchen and all its contents, leaving the rest of the restaurant to wonder where the hell their food was.
This led to Jen and I flitting about, refilling drinks, practically hysterical, trying to keep everyone happy, and assuring them that their food was "only a few minutes away."
I also completely just told the truth whenever possible and explained that the large, inconsiderate group in the back was completely monopolized the kitchen and no one else was going to get their food for a good while.
Of course, it was worded MUCH nicer, since I wanted to keep my job...
THEN, after they got their food and were able to eat, they wanted to re-ordered.
Somehow or another, their re-orders quickly became To-Go.
I'm assuming it was because they had to leave for their 1:30 thing.
More monopolizing.
More diners waiting.
SOOOOO many To-Go containers.
Jen looked pissed.
Ben looked like he was going to cry.
I was ready to collapse.
Once they all left, Ben recounted us in a conversation he had with one of the women in the group.
Apparently, the woman remarked on the "poor Service" and couldn't believe we didn't have more servers on.
Ben, as nicely as he could, reminded her that they had made the reservation for only15 people and that, had they given us the correct amount, there would've been three servers.
He was also nice enough NOT to mention the fact that they showed up later than expected, right in the middle of our lunch rush.
Jen and I were horrified to find that the majority of those people didn't even tip him.
We were all a bit heated about that one.
It was a pretty tragic day, to say the least.
And to think...
I almost called off today...