A few months ago, I started a journey, so to speak. I decided to give up meat, eggs, and (maybe) dairy. I pretty much went cold turkey on eggs, since I didn't consume eggs on a regular basis. It took about a week for me to work myself into a meatless diet. (Dairy? Pfft. I'm typing this as I munch on pasta with Parmesan cheese.) I was pumped about this decision. Even though I am surrounded but borderline carnivores, I have found major support from friends and folks I didn't even know were vegetarians. Since I cannot seem to fully kick dairy, I don't see a complete crossover to veganism in my near future. (Sorry vegans.)
People keep asking me, "Well, what do you eat?" I hate that question almost as bad as "Where do you get your protein?" (What do they say about bringing a knife to a gun fight?) Don't ask a vegetarian (or a vegan) either of those questions. They are ignorant questions. Since the switch, I've found that humans put meat and cheese in just about EVERYTHING we cook and eat. It's ridiculous! Meat can be replaced by extra veggies, rice, tofu or beans. If you use meats for flavoring purposes, like bacon, you can try bacon bits for salads and a certain amount of liquid smoke. Those are just two substitutions I have found. I also found a major love for beans (frijoles negros!) and nuts, both an amazing substitute for meat and great sources for protein. (Hah, ignorance!)
If you've been my facebook friend or twitter follower for anytime in the past few months, you will have noticed the random food and vegetarian related postings. I know it seems odd to post a picture of my lunch, but there is a method to my madness. 1.) I decided to document my journey into this widely known yet misunderstood realm of life. 2.) I wanted to show that vegetarians can eat and eat well. I'm not exactly trying to flaunt it or shove it in people's faces but rather share and enlighten. People eat before they think, stuffing themselves with unknown garbage and then wonder why they feel sickly or why they are borderline obese. It is not a mystery. Another reason why I chose this lifestyle was because I wanted to find ways of eating healthier and smarter. For the past three months, I have gone through a drive-thru twice. Twice. Once in late August and once last week. Both times for a mini blizzard from DQ (ARGH Dairy!). That's it, and that says a lot because I'm constantly on the go, driving between work, home, teaching, rehearsal, and church. I have started making meals and eating at home a lot more than before. I have found that if I choose my own ingredients and make it myself I have a better grasp on what exactly I am putting in my body. In my research and reading ( MAN, have I researched this stuff) I have found a lot of great recipes and substitutes and I've also made up some dishes of my own. :o) It is empowering to be able to know that I'm doing something worthwhile for my body, bettering myself and my life. It has been a major confidence boost and it is exciting!
"You are what you eat" carries a different tune here. If you consume crap (pop, foods of unknown origin, meat) you will feel like crap. You can/will feel sluggish, fat, unmotivated, and sick. If you eat healthier you can feel healthier. You only have one life here on this planet. Why bog it down with unnecessary stress on your body and on your mind? Honestly, I'm not out to change the world with this lifestyle change. You, my friends, will each choose to eat what you what and believe what you want, just as I do. But please be smart. Love your bodies.
Happy National Vegetarian Month!
(Please recognize that I'm not joining PETA, this is not a religious decision, and it is not based on animal cruelty. Though I am disgusted with the way animals are treated in the process, and I COULD go on about my opinions and findings on THAT subject, that is not the initial reason behind my change.)