A few days ago I reached a major goal- I had officially survived a year of being a vegetarian. Wow. To some this may not seem like a big deal, but I'm not "some." I knew I could do it and I wanted to do it, so I'm surprised. I'm excited now. During the past year I learned different ways of cooking, healthier eating habits, and replacements for various dishes that originally call for meat. Utilizing advice from vegetarian and vegan friends and the infinite wisdom of the internet, I discovered new restaurants and menu options.
I'll admit that it wasn't always easy and not everyone was supportive of my decision. Dinner with family proved to be a challenge from time to time. I can see why people dislike vegetarians; cooking a regular dinner can be hard enough, but if a vegetarian is coming to the table you have to be sure you have something they can eat too. Not everyone in my family has been so accommodating. Or they've complained, which is always a morale boost. However, I didn't let things get me down, and I kept at it. I lost a significant amount of weight and I physically felt better. I made a decision that was improving me and my life, and for that reason I'll stick with it for the rest of my life. :o)

Ok, so if you follow me on twitter or are friends with me on facebook there is not way to could avoid seeing at least one post of these flower hair accessories that I've been creating. And you are probably asking, "Why?" Honestly? When I went to Comfest on Friday there were booths and booths and booths selling nick-knacks and hair pieces of all kinds. I looked at D.J. and said, "I could do that." I mean, folks were making a serious mint off of these things. So I set out Saturday and went to a few different stores and gathered up some crafting supplies and went to work. Thus far I've made 20+ flower arrangements, attaching them to barrettes, clips, and headbands. Yesterday I posted a few of them on Ebay in hopes that I might sell them online. I am now going to start looking into craft shows and find one that is near with a cheap booth rental and see if I can't sell some there. I've set the price at $3.50. I figured that was fair considering some of the folks at Comfest were selling theirs for $5-$8. SO, we'll see what comes of this venture.... :o)
I'll admit that it wasn't always easy and not everyone was supportive of my decision. Dinner with family proved to be a challenge from time to time. I can see why people dislike vegetarians; cooking a regular dinner can be hard enough, but if a vegetarian is coming to the table you have to be sure you have something they can eat too. Not everyone in my family has been so accommodating. Or they've complained, which is always a morale boost. However, I didn't let things get me down, and I kept at it. I lost a significant amount of weight and I physically felt better. I made a decision that was improving me and my life, and for that reason I'll stick with it for the rest of my life. :o)
Ok, so if you follow me on twitter or are friends with me on facebook there is not way to could avoid seeing at least one post of these flower hair accessories that I've been creating. And you are probably asking, "Why?" Honestly? When I went to Comfest on Friday there were booths and booths and booths selling nick-knacks and hair pieces of all kinds. I looked at D.J. and said, "I could do that." I mean, folks were making a serious mint off of these things. So I set out Saturday and went to a few different stores and gathered up some crafting supplies and went to work. Thus far I've made 20+ flower arrangements, attaching them to barrettes, clips, and headbands. Yesterday I posted a few of them on Ebay in hopes that I might sell them online. I am now going to start looking into craft shows and find one that is near with a cheap booth rental and see if I can't sell some there. I've set the price at $3.50. I figured that was fair considering some of the folks at Comfest were selling theirs for $5-$8. SO, we'll see what comes of this venture.... :o)