Monday, February 9, 2009

Each morning I wake up I die a little... Can't bear to stand on my feet...

Every morning I wake up only to begrudge any activity I have after work which would hinder my coming back home and hopping back inside that wonderful bed.....
This morning, after my initial hatred of the world, I realized today's evening hinderance was, after going to the dance studio and harrassing Ryan's Irish step students, TREASURE ISLAND'S first rehearsal.
The angry voice in my head was softened by the small dose of logic in which this notion injected.
But, after a bowl of cereal, and a blueberry muffin (which I baked last night), I have been able to rouse a few more joyous feelings about the occasion.
Now I have to suffer through that morning fatigue as I trudge through work and share innocuous conversations with strangers and faces I recognize without names with which to pair them...
Then home.
Then the bank.
Then to the dance studio.
THEN to the theatre.
Sometime today I am going to get chinese food...
It is going to happen.

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