Tuesday, April 28, 2009


The summer is nearing, and the school year is ending.
That means soooooooooooo many things for the Maynard household.
-Junia is graduating on the 17th, so we are attempting to get things ready for that day and all its celebratory needs.
-The drama club's yard sale fundraiser is fast approaching, which means I must attempt to sift through all of my personal crap and weed out the uselessness.
-The recital is soooooooooooooo close!!
I officially hate Beauty and the Beast and cannot wait for the 16th.
-Junia's last Cabaret is this Friday.
-The RTP banquet is coming up on the 13th.
-The May Board meeting will be next Monday, and, GOD WILLING, we will finally vote on next year's season, including the summer show, which, GOOOOOD WILLING, will be my kid's show I submitted.
In this household, Summer also means Shakespeare in the Park!!!!
Several trips up to Schiller Park for picnics and plays!!!
I already warned Josh that we would be attending soooo many shows in the next few months.
He seemed okay with that.

For this week, I am focused on finalizing choreography for Be Our Guest on Thursday, going to see Little Shop of Horrors (Or, for Danielle's sake HArrors) with Josh on Friday, and PR's Cabaret on Saturday.
Somewhere in there I will attempt to continue weeding out my stuff and fit in time with Madison and Grace.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Theatre Theatre Theatre.....

Last night, I was transformed into a giant teapot.
Yes, the freaking Mrs. Potts costume.
Tonight is the studio photo shoot.
Not only do I have to dress up and look snazzy, but I have to put on that ridiculous costume.
Don't get me wrong, it's a cute costume, and the kids liked it.
BUT, after taking it off, I found myself COVERED in tiny gold glitter, and, as we all know, glitter is the herpes of craft supplies.
Because I have been under the weather all week, I couldn't sing.
I sounded like a croaking frog, slowly dying...
Luckily, the kids all have their inanimate object costumes as well, and Sean and Jake have their Lumiere and Beast costumes, and all of the Belle dresses are done, so we will have a nice cast picture.
Now, if I could just figure out the rest of the choreography for Be Our Guest....

Tomorrow, Josh and I will be joining Danielle to watch Emerald City Players' Cliffhanger, whatever that may be.
I've never heard of this production, but I always try to remain optimistic.
Last weekend, mom and I went to see Bread and Circus' The Chalk Garden, which was really good.
The great thing about doing these reviews is that I get to see all these obscure and unknown productions, stuff of which I've never heard.
AND I get to write about said shows.
I'm really pumped because NEXT weekend is PR's Cabaret AKA Junia's LAST Show Choir Cabaret EVER.
Then Josh and I are going to see Westerville High School's Production of Little Shop of Horrors on Saturday.
I have always wanted to see a stage version of Little Shop, so I'm really pumped.
I am going to get me some theatre this month!
The following Monday is the next board meeting, in which I am sorely hoping we vote on next year's season, if not just the summer show.
That way I can start telling kids and parents alike to get ready and I can start organizing what we need.
So much theatre.....
I love it.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Does anyone have a paper bag?????????

Easter is in a few days.
It's weird, because I'm not really in an Easter mood.
I mean, I guess it probably has something to do with my not being church, but I almost completely forgot it was coming up when I was so engulfed with Treasure Island.
(I never thought I'd ever reach the moment where all references to Treasure Island include the word "was," as if it has past....)
Luckily, mom has seen it fit to inform all of us that we are going to church with the grandparents on Sunday, to which I say, "Okay."
I've been wanting to go back to church for some time now.
Actually, in lew of recent events, both Josh and I agree that he and I need to find a new church to attend.
This makes me smile because it's something he and I will do together, and it's something that is important to us both.
And I can't help but to think this is something that will bring us closer to each other and God.
It's a win- win situation.
I was kinda sad I hadn't been able to take part in any easter activities like painting eggs or shopping for baskets for the girls, etc, until Rhonda and Josh invited me to a family function this Saturday where, lo and behold, there will be both small children and egg painting whatnot.
All week I've been pumped with the idea of meeting some family and being a kid again.
THEN, Josh drops a hilarious bomb on me last night.
See, in my mind, I assumed (stupid of me, I know) that we were going to go over and I was going to meet a couple of people and their kids and it was going to be a small family thing.
During our conversation last night, Josh proceeded to break down exactly who I was going to meet on Saturday, which is totally fine.
THEN, he goes on to list about 30 people, parents and children alike, and their relation to he and his parents.
I told him, "That's not a family gathering to paint eggs. That's Christmas!"
I love meeting new people, but the idea of meeting a bunch of family members AT ONCE is a bit daunting.
Originally my plan was to dress nice enough and put on a smile and be my charming self.
Not hard.
"Throwing me to the Lions," as Josh put it, is not part of that plan.
More people means more charm and more effort to be fabulous.
I'm sure it will go well, but I hung up the phone last night feeling a bit more nervous.
Maybe I'm just over thinking it....
Josh said they'd be nice to me and I'd be okay, which I totally believe.
However, because it IS his family, and because I'm his first girlfriend AND "the one," I know I will be under a certain amount of scrutiny, and that is terrifying.
My plan for now is to stick with my original plan, and just smile, charm, and pray I don't get egg coloring on my clothes.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

All in all, you're just another brick in the wall...

I was so upset I couldn't slough it off by breathing.
I couldn't focus on positive thoughts.
I scrambled to my car and grabbed my bible and just cracked it open.
I just started reading and praying.
The interesting thing is I read about Wisdom, passages I read recently.
But I re-read them.
And prayed.
And the pain subsided.
I was/am still miffed, but I'm able to think logically.
If I hadn't stopped and read, I would've written a HUGE, angry blog in place of what I write now.
It breaks my heart to hear of those who twist Christianity and make it into something negative.
What I mean is this: When your mission and your stance in Christianity has little to do with Christianity, there is a problem.
When your "personal" belief system was instilled and conditioned to be as the rest of your religious community, leaving no room for individual thought or interpretation, there is a HUGE problem.
When you turn on others and turn a cold shoulder towards your friends because they don't believe as you do....
That is truly sad.
One thing that truly upsets me is I can't do anything but sit and watch what happens.
And pray.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

I'm ready....

The past two days have been strange.
I've had nothing to do, besides work.
No Josh.
No theatre.
No errands.
So strange.
I literally went to work, came home, did a couple of chores, and that was it.
I almost went stir-crazy Monday.
Yesterday, I was so dog-tired, I had no drive.
I never realized how LIFE consuming a show would be, though I love it.
Sunday is the last day.
It's sort of bittersweet.
I'm glad that I'll get my life back, but I'll miss the kids.
I'll miss the show and the story....
I suppose scrapbooking the millions of pictures and little knick-knacks will help.
And I'm submitting a production for this summer, A Kidsummer Night's Dream, so I should probably focus on getting that started.
My weekends will be free for time with Josh, or to go review various productions around Central Ohio....
I just need to get through this weekend.
THEN we'll see how I feel...