So, last night I finally got to meet Josh's grandparents.
Since last week, when I found out I would be meeting them, I had been terrified.
It wasn't so much that I was afraid to meet Josh's relatives.
It was a matter of "Oh, man. What if they don't like me? What if I commit a terrible faux paux? What if they don't think I'm right for their grandson?" and etc...
When we first got there, I met his grandmother, Erna, first, who immediately hugged me in introductions.
Short and adorable, with eyes that smile.
Then I met Len, Josh's grandfather, who greeted me with a handshake, smile, and "You must be Tahrea."
Equally adorable, and totally a glipse of what Josh will become in 50+ years.
In short, these two were so engaging and delightful.
My fears vanished after the first 10, 15 minutes I sat in their living room.
They asked us what we wanted to drink after we sat down.
Josh laughed as my eyes widened with the choices: Water, beer, wine, liquor.
However, I didn't want to give off the wrong impression, and I was satisfied with settling for water.
After Rhonda and Jeff had voiced their drinks, Len looked at Josh and I, and I said, "I'll just have a water."
Len said, "Water? You just want WATER?"
One of my favorite parts of last night was the incredulous look on his face.
After a few suggestions, a gin and tonic was decided.
Always a good decision.
The entire evening was wonderful.
I heard story after story about them, the family, Florida, food, and a myriad of jokes from Len.
So funny.
During and after dinner, there was a chardonnay, a pinot grigio, and a cabernet sauvignon/merlot that found their way into the mix.
That, surprisingly enough, prompted a few different tidbits about wine from some deep chasm of my brain, which I shared with the group.
(I'm so glad I've been paying attention at work.)
When we finally did get to goodbyes, I hugged the both and left with a smile.
The evening had been a success, with narry a faux paux in sight.
I wanted to kick myself for the initial anxieties I had this past weekend.
However, now that the evening is over, I can't help but wonder if I, so to speak, passed.
That is a looming verdict for which I must wait until next I speak with Josh.
And we all know how much I love waiting...
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