In a previous blog, I asked what 2009 would have in store for me....
Then, in another blog, I stated this:
I think it is safe to say that by April 5th, four major events will have occurred/have occured....
1.) I am FINALLY dating Josh Boley.
2.) Samantha will FINALLY present Baby Ava to the world.
3.) I will have successfully directed my first show.
4.) I will have turned 22 on March 30th.
VERY exciting stuff.
It's Fourth of July, meaning 2009 is half way over, so I felt like another moment of reflection was due.
1.) I am dating Josh and we are as happy as two young kids can be.
2.) Sam had Ava on April 4th at 4:03 am.
3.) Treasure Island ended well, and everyone enjoyed their experience.
4.) I am 22. Yay.
5.) Junia graduated on May 17th.
6.)I am simultaneously preparing for three major theatrical events:
- Opening my second production, Wizard of Wonderland, on July 17th.
- Preparing a monologue for my audition for Taming of the Shrew.
- Preparing to memorize some lines if I am indeed needed for Midsummer.
7.) Dad was laid off about a month ago.
8.) Junia and Tyler are FINALLY dating.
9.) I have successfully written a few more reviews for
10.) Tammy and Mike are expecting their fourth child and FIRST BOY!!!!!!!!
11.) Josh helped me discover a love for Chipotle.
Now, by the end of the year....
1.) I will have started my second year of Musical Theatre classes.
2.) I will have finished my second production (directing) and have moved to my third.
3.) Tammy and Mike will have presented their baby boy to the world.
4.) I will (hopefully) have completed two productions (acting) with Rosebriar.
5.) Josh and I will have celebrated both birthdays, Fourth of July, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas together.
6.) Josh and I will have gone on some sort of crazy adventure.
7.) I will have written more reviews for
8.) Junia will have turned 18 on October 2nd.
9.) We will have moved into our new house and it will have been furnished and live-able.
Today cosists of cleaning and cooking.
THEN, Josh and Tyler, or just Josh, will be here around 4.
Once he's here, we're going to plop ourselves down for some TOMMY, since he's never seen it and also possesses a love for the Who.
Dinner is at 5, after which we'll probably finish Tommy, and then scatter off to the Ashville fest.
Sometime within the day, we are meeting up with Tyler and his family.
Then the Fireworks are at 10.
I am ever so pumped!
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