One of the things I pride myself in is not being weak.
What I mean is as a person, as woman, I am strong.
I know who I am and I know for what I stand.
Having been raised by a man hating amazon who has been screwed over by men most of her life, I have learned certain lessons.
That's why it should be no surprise to anyone that I don't play the damsel in distress role very well.
I also don't like people to view as weak because I'm a woman.
With this said, you will understand the following story.
The night before last, a group of gents from the Table removed our broken deli case.
However, they left a pretty nasty floor behind.
So, when I came into work yesterday, I volunteered to scrub the floor.
Which I did.
And it's beautiful now, thank you very much.
We felt sorta naked up there with no barrier between our area of the kitchen space, and the front door.
Jennifer then told us that she wanted us to bring a conference table up from the basement to place with the deli case once was.
No problem.
Angie and Yvonne actually went down to get the table but decided to wait until one particular guest had left, as bringing up the table would've meant taking the poor dude out cold.
So they waited.
Once he left, I said I would help one of them with the table, carrying it up and placing it where it needed to be.
No problem.
We moved the tables in our path out of the way.
We cleared the floor where we were going to put said table.
A few minutes later, I went to the basement door to get into position when I see our darling dishtank dude hauling the hulk up the stairs by himself.
I was pissed.
I asked him why he was doing so and he told me that the other server, with whom we really hadn't discussed the whole table moving thing, had told him that HE needed to move the table.
I was really pissed.
I informed him, NICELY, that we fully intended on getting it ourselves, to which he sighed and allowed me to help him the rest of the way.
Yvonne and I then placed the table where it needed to be and I angrily informed her what dear Lance had told me.
She scowled.
A little later, I asked the other server why she had sent Lance on our daring mission.
She said, "Oh, I got the MAN to do it, so you girls didn't have to."
I nearly lost my mind, but simply walked away.
The MAN????
Granted, Lance may be stronger than I, no problem.
BUT, he had things he needed to do, and we had told Jennifer WE were going to move it.
I was mondo pissed.
The MAN.
The moral of this story?
If I need someone else's help, I'll ask or graciously accept or decline if help is offered.
Until then, don't assume I can't do it.
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