*This blog is in response to a blog post by one of my past theatre dads, Doug Whaley: http://douglaswhaley.blogspot.com/2012/05/naming-your-baby-some-mistakes-to-avoid*
I've been called Tara, Tiara (my cousin's name, btw), Teresa, Tahera- every obscure or thinkable configuration of T's, A's, and R's imaginable. "No, it's Teresa without the S." "Maria with a T." Some people just don't get it. So many times I've been told it's an "ethnic" name or a "black girl's" name (racist, I know). After pronouncing it twice and spelling it out, I then have to explain its origin, 1st Chronicles 9:41. THEN I have to explain that Tahrea (or Tarea, as it's spelled in 1st Chronicles 8:35) was a son of Ahaz, and that, YES, it is a guy's name. *sigh*
I used to hate my name so much when I was a kid. I hated that it was one more thing that seemed to add to my being unpopular and different from my peers. Middle school was particularly painful. It wasn't until I became a young adult that I realized how awesome it was to be such an individual. I now dread the thought of finding another Tahrea in the world, lol. It's my name. The great thing about my name, haha, is that even if you can't remember how to pronounce it, you know it's different. When we meet again, it's in your head, somewhere. After the first or second time, it's stuck. And that makes me unforgettable. And I'm ok with that. :o)
Oh! I forgot to mention the songs. OH, the songs..... Just replace Maria and you have my childhood.....
And my sister figured this one out several years ago. heh. Clever kid. Sometimes.
(My sister, JUNIA. Jew-knee-ah. Same rant, different Bible verse. At least her namesake was a chick. Google that one.)
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