Monday, November 24, 2008

So, my face now looks as if someone started to brand the osu logo on my right cheek but didn't finished the job.
I've scrubbed the outline of the freaking tattoo onto my face.
I'm a scabby fanatic....

I laid out all of my Treasure Island stuff and started working on it some more and realized something.
Okay, I personally don't write my blocking in the script.
I can remember it.
Not that hard.
With Lear, I did write my exits and entrances because it was slightly confusing at time, not dealing with an actual stage and all.
That and the fact that Shakespeare really didn't write out stage blockin in his scripts.
Otherwise, I just highlight my lines and I'm good.
I just don't like doing it and I don't need to do it.
SO, you can imagine my perturbation when I realized I had to actually write the blocking for ALL the characters in my script.
I was highly irritated.
When I told mom about it, she said, "Well, you need to. You aren't going to be able to remember what you want the kids to do in when you start next year."
"Yes I will." said I.
"The blocking... for all of them?"
"I don't think so."
I started doing it last night despite my... despite for it.
And I realized I need to start working on the schedule as well.
SOOOOO many things still left to do.
Now, I have to get ready for practice....


Danielle Filas said...

Hey- give me a holler if you want some down-n-dirty tricks I've developed over the years for writing blocking and for scheduling.
Suck at the teat of my wisdom, my facially marred young friend.

rtpgurl said...

Facially marred young friend...