Thursday, November 13, 2008

Santa Baby, give everyone else a calendar, please...

The holidays are only weeks away.
2008 apparently had no desire to stick around, because this year just flew by.
So, unfortunately, Christmas will come bounding upon ere long...
I noticed something last night that caught my eye and struck me as absurd.
People have actually just taken down halloween decorations and immediately replaced them with Christmas decorations.
And they aren't simple christmas lights and maybe a reindeer or two.
These are the people who buy every inflatable santa claus-in-a-snoglobe-that-is-bigger-than-the-house (or trailer), and frosty the snowman-that-looks-like-he-might-be-mentally-challenged-and-might-eat-your-children-because-he-can....
Subtle is not in the vocabulary.
I had the pleasure of taking my 5-year-old cousin Madison to see.... *SHUDDER*... "High School Musical 3" yesterday.
Yeas, my soul died a little...
As we were driving home, we happened upon a couple of different houses with this situation.
Being the ever bright and wonderful creature she is, Madison looked out the window as I pointed these houses out, and yelled, "WHAT?! It's not even Christmas time yet, PEOPLE!"
AH, the wisdom of a child.

1 comment:

Danielle Filas said...

HA! You have obviously trained your young minion well!

I totally agree with and share your ire over Christmas decoverload.

And why anyone would be possessed to put ANYTHING inflatable in their front yard completely baffles me and shatters my sense of order in the world. I had a friend in high school who took it upon himself to shoot them all. Really. He once shot a giant Frosty that sat atop town hall right in the middle of the forehead between his two coal eyes.

Not that I condone such wanton destructiveness of course.