Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Merry Christmas Eve Eve!!!

Today is my favorite day of the year.
Christmas Eve Eve!
December 23rd.
Today I get to go around repeatedly saying something semi-eccentric and absurd, but it will no doubt be accepted as it will erupt from my mouth with such joy and merriment that all who hear it will not be able to contain a smile.
I love the Christmas season!!
Today, I honestly think that the majority of people could be broken down into two groups...
Those that are prepared, raring to go, ready for their Christmas...
And those that are scrambling around like chickens with no heads and slowly losing their sanity.
I am definitely in the former category.
The rest of my household...
Not so much.
I know for a fact that my parents still have yet to finish up their gifts for each other.
My sister's break up has left her with several gifts with which she doesn't know what to do.
Mom had ordered some gifts from a catalog and has yet to receive them, some of which have actually been canceled off her order and left her in a frazzled panic.
Naturally, her panic will no doubt reach my relaxed soul a some point today, causing me to also run around like a headless chicken....

Oh, and let's just stop for a moment and recognize how totally UN-PC I've been this season.
About a week or two ago, I started changing how I said goodbye to people.
I mean strangers.
The cashier at the store.
The couple I just waited on.
My waiter.
EVERYONE has gotten a jolly "Merry Christmas!"
It has been such a delight to watch the faces.
For the most part, it has been me, up at the front of the restaurant, back behind the deli counter wiping something off or cutting lemons, looking up as folks walk out the door, and giving them a "Thanks for coming! Merry Christmas!"
Or I'll drop their change off at the table and say, "Here you go. Merry Christmas!"
And people have responded quite well to it, saying "Thank you" or returning with a "Merry Christmas to you too!"
Last week, this guy was leaving and kept saying "Happy Holidays," so I purposely said "MERRY CHRISTMAS!"
Yesterday another guy whirled around and gave me a strange look as I gave the salutation.
I work at a privately owned restaurant.
My managers LOVE that I say Merry Christmas.
In fact, the UN-PC disease has spread to several co-workers and members of the management team.

Last week, I went shopping with Kim.
We went to the mall, the Mecca for Christmas shopping.
We went into one store in particular and went to purchase some items.
The gal at the counter was very nice, and had helped us with some of our questions and whatnot.
As we left, we both turned and gave a cheerful "MERRY CHRISTMAS."
The girl kinda sputtered with her programmed "Happy Holidays" and a genuine response of "merry christmas."

AH, I love it so.

1 comment:

Danielle Filas said...

I wonder if people who feel offended by "Merry Christmas" (or "Happy Holidays" for that matter) would be offended by "Happy Hanukkah" as well? I hope not. I hope that people would take whatever well-wishing sentiment in the manner it is intended--- to spread joy, to wish peace, to give happiness..

Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Seasons Greetings, Happy Hanukkah, and a Joyous New Year to YOU my jolly pal. May all your wishes come true!