Saturday, November 15, 2008

No rest for the wicked...

So, I'm on the computer right now.
I'm here because I was in the living room, attempting to enjoy myself despite the fact I've been ill all day, but I had to vacate the living room.
I had to leave because Junia came home and brought her boyfriend with her.
And because I was on the couch and I knew she would bitch about me being on the couch, the one piece of furniture that would comfortably accomodate her and Chris.
And because I know they want to watch "Polar Express."
Well, mom wants to watch it, but was waiting til they came home.
And, as it is not Christmas time, I have no desire to sit through Polar Express.
And I have no desire to do anything involving Junia and Chris.

It's always awkward when someone you're close to and usually like dates someone you can't stand.
I have found myself leaving the room a lot faster.
Actually, I've been more likely to find refuge over at Tyler's pad, where I know they can't get me.
It really grinds my gears anymore...
I can't stand that guy...


Danielle Filas said...

Take a deep breath and relax. And feel some solace in the fact that if you did indeed curl up on the couch during the day, you likely left from germs from your sickness there. And if they did indeed curl up on the couch in the evening, they might have become afflicted with whatever disease you battled. There's always that, right?

rtpgurl said...

Disease the enemy!!!!