after 360-some odd days, it's hard to believe there are less than 6 hours left in the year 2008.
It's also interesting to think that I am not the only person thinking about it right now...
Here in the final hours of 2008, I find comfort in the fact that I am not alone in this universe...
That millions of others are also speculating what 2009 will bring, and what 2008 presented....
for me, I can sum up my 2008 in a few words...
-I stopped working for Wal-mart at the beginning of the year.
-I turned 21. HA!
-Junia started her senior year....
-Mike, Tammy, and the girls moved down to our neck of the woods.
-Madison started Kindergarten.
-Nevaeh turned a year old.
-My goofy cousin Eric got married!
So sad I was sick and couldn't go...
But it still happened...
-I started working at the Tuscan Table and found soooo many new folks with whom I could cavort.
-I also found several new amigos with the cast of Lear.... Fabulous, fabulous!
-I feel I have renewed my friendship with Tyler....
It's almost a co-dependent relationship now...
(I hate that word sometimes...)
-Though Stephen and I are still friends, our relationship ended in May.
TOTALLY for the best.
-Ray remarried...
4th times a charm. ;-)
-I watched Junia agonize through three relationships over the course of the year, all of which ended with her tears....
-All of our friends rejoiced when Sam finally dropped Cole.
SO happy that is over....
Except for the whole baby part of it.
That will be exciting.
-Sam is having a baby girl!!!!
That is one more special person for us to love.
-I fell more in love with Shakespeare.
Big surprise...
-I was finally successful in kicking an agonizing crush to the curb, so to speak.
I finally had a moment of "This is never going to go anywhere..."
A moment of clarity, if you will.
And that is all it took.
(That could actually go under the freedom category as well....)
-I realized a love interest or two that I didn't recognize before...
Potential, anyone???
(Surprise, surprise...)
-I got to work with some super cool people at Wagnalls family Theatre with their children's production of Lion, Witch, and the Wardrobe.
-I was the assistant director for Pinocchio at RTP, which was A-mazing.
-I became the musical theatre instructor for the Charmion Performing Arts Center in Circleville...
Totally WOOOT!
-I got an audience appreciation award for Mad Woman of Challiot with RTP.
-The board at RTP voted Treasure Island for the children's production for the 2008-2009 season, meaning I get to direct!!!
-I fell in love with another amazing production by that crazy Bard, Willie S., and I got to really stretch my wing in the deliciously malicious role of Regan.
-I fell in love with another deliciously amazing cast with King Lear.
-I finally got to see a live production of RHPS...
Hated it, but I got to see it...
-I helped with TVHS' production of MacBeth...
Totally B.A.
2008 was an active and productive year for lil Miss Tahrea, I must say.
And what of 2009?
I wonder what it holds...
I can expect several blunders of various sorts.
Theatrical happenings.
Many more friends and acquaintances...
More anger.
More laughter.
Maybe more love, which will more than likely result in more despite if I choose the wrong person.
I guess...
2009 will be more of the same...
and more.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Monday, December 29, 2008
Illness and Death... and a moment of beautiful and poetic clarity...
There is something about vomiting that reminds me of death.
Sometimes it hurts.
Sometimes it makes you wish for better times.
Sometimes it makes one wish you had done things differently in the past.
But, as always, if you are sick, like death, it is something that is quite inevitable, and sometimes you find yourself sitting there just waiting for it to come...
Such was my day Saturday.
Actually, I found myself musing the above as I hovered in the bathroom, waiting for the inevitable.
Luckily, I awoke yesterday feeling well enough to eat my mother's chili for dinner.
THEN, today, I was well enough to go to work.
Illness works in such strange ways...
While at work today, I saw a strange sight...
I noticed several sheriff cars go by the restaurant.
Another one..
and another...
Walking outside the front doors, I saw that there were police, Highway patrol, Sheriff, Fire Dept., and various other types law enforcement vehicles parading down the road.
After a minute of gazing, I realized they were on their way to or from the funeral of a sheriff deputy who died this past week.
For some strange reason, I found this sight to be peculiarly and poetically beautiful...
So many people honoring one man...
I dunno...
Call me strange.
It was a moment where the world seemed to stand still...
Where nothing else matter.
Unfortunately, I had to pull myself away from the outside and return back to the restaurant and obligations.
Sometimes it hurts.
Sometimes it makes you wish for better times.
Sometimes it makes one wish you had done things differently in the past.
But, as always, if you are sick, like death, it is something that is quite inevitable, and sometimes you find yourself sitting there just waiting for it to come...
Such was my day Saturday.
Actually, I found myself musing the above as I hovered in the bathroom, waiting for the inevitable.
Luckily, I awoke yesterday feeling well enough to eat my mother's chili for dinner.
THEN, today, I was well enough to go to work.
Illness works in such strange ways...
While at work today, I saw a strange sight...
I noticed several sheriff cars go by the restaurant.
Another one..
and another...
Walking outside the front doors, I saw that there were police, Highway patrol, Sheriff, Fire Dept., and various other types law enforcement vehicles parading down the road.
After a minute of gazing, I realized they were on their way to or from the funeral of a sheriff deputy who died this past week.
For some strange reason, I found this sight to be peculiarly and poetically beautiful...
So many people honoring one man...
I dunno...
Call me strange.
It was a moment where the world seemed to stand still...
Where nothing else matter.
Unfortunately, I had to pull myself away from the outside and return back to the restaurant and obligations.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Merry Christmas Eve Eve!!!
Today is my favorite day of the year.
Christmas Eve Eve!
December 23rd.
Today I get to go around repeatedly saying something semi-eccentric and absurd, but it will no doubt be accepted as it will erupt from my mouth with such joy and merriment that all who hear it will not be able to contain a smile.
I love the Christmas season!!
Today, I honestly think that the majority of people could be broken down into two groups...
Those that are prepared, raring to go, ready for their Christmas...
And those that are scrambling around like chickens with no heads and slowly losing their sanity.
I am definitely in the former category.
The rest of my household...
Not so much.
I know for a fact that my parents still have yet to finish up their gifts for each other.
My sister's break up has left her with several gifts with which she doesn't know what to do.
Mom had ordered some gifts from a catalog and has yet to receive them, some of which have actually been canceled off her order and left her in a frazzled panic.
Naturally, her panic will no doubt reach my relaxed soul a some point today, causing me to also run around like a headless chicken....
Oh, and let's just stop for a moment and recognize how totally UN-PC I've been this season.
About a week or two ago, I started changing how I said goodbye to people.
I mean strangers.
The cashier at the store.
The couple I just waited on.
My waiter.
EVERYONE has gotten a jolly "Merry Christmas!"
It has been such a delight to watch the faces.
For the most part, it has been me, up at the front of the restaurant, back behind the deli counter wiping something off or cutting lemons, looking up as folks walk out the door, and giving them a "Thanks for coming! Merry Christmas!"
Or I'll drop their change off at the table and say, "Here you go. Merry Christmas!"
And people have responded quite well to it, saying "Thank you" or returning with a "Merry Christmas to you too!"
Last week, this guy was leaving and kept saying "Happy Holidays," so I purposely said "MERRY CHRISTMAS!"
Yesterday another guy whirled around and gave me a strange look as I gave the salutation.
I work at a privately owned restaurant.
My managers LOVE that I say Merry Christmas.
In fact, the UN-PC disease has spread to several co-workers and members of the management team.
Last week, I went shopping with Kim.
We went to the mall, the Mecca for Christmas shopping.
We went into one store in particular and went to purchase some items.
The gal at the counter was very nice, and had helped us with some of our questions and whatnot.
As we left, we both turned and gave a cheerful "MERRY CHRISTMAS."
The girl kinda sputtered with her programmed "Happy Holidays" and a genuine response of "merry christmas."
AH, I love it so.
Christmas Eve Eve!
December 23rd.
Today I get to go around repeatedly saying something semi-eccentric and absurd, but it will no doubt be accepted as it will erupt from my mouth with such joy and merriment that all who hear it will not be able to contain a smile.
I love the Christmas season!!
Today, I honestly think that the majority of people could be broken down into two groups...
Those that are prepared, raring to go, ready for their Christmas...
And those that are scrambling around like chickens with no heads and slowly losing their sanity.
I am definitely in the former category.
The rest of my household...
Not so much.
I know for a fact that my parents still have yet to finish up their gifts for each other.
My sister's break up has left her with several gifts with which she doesn't know what to do.
Mom had ordered some gifts from a catalog and has yet to receive them, some of which have actually been canceled off her order and left her in a frazzled panic.
Naturally, her panic will no doubt reach my relaxed soul a some point today, causing me to also run around like a headless chicken....
Oh, and let's just stop for a moment and recognize how totally UN-PC I've been this season.
About a week or two ago, I started changing how I said goodbye to people.
I mean strangers.
The cashier at the store.
The couple I just waited on.
My waiter.
EVERYONE has gotten a jolly "Merry Christmas!"
It has been such a delight to watch the faces.
For the most part, it has been me, up at the front of the restaurant, back behind the deli counter wiping something off or cutting lemons, looking up as folks walk out the door, and giving them a "Thanks for coming! Merry Christmas!"
Or I'll drop their change off at the table and say, "Here you go. Merry Christmas!"
And people have responded quite well to it, saying "Thank you" or returning with a "Merry Christmas to you too!"
Last week, this guy was leaving and kept saying "Happy Holidays," so I purposely said "MERRY CHRISTMAS!"
Yesterday another guy whirled around and gave me a strange look as I gave the salutation.
I work at a privately owned restaurant.
My managers LOVE that I say Merry Christmas.
In fact, the UN-PC disease has spread to several co-workers and members of the management team.
Last week, I went shopping with Kim.
We went to the mall, the Mecca for Christmas shopping.
We went into one store in particular and went to purchase some items.
The gal at the counter was very nice, and had helped us with some of our questions and whatnot.
As we left, we both turned and gave a cheerful "MERRY CHRISTMAS."
The girl kinda sputtered with her programmed "Happy Holidays" and a genuine response of "merry christmas."
AH, I love it so.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Junia: a prime example of how guys totally suck
My little sister Junia is a fabulous young woman.
At 17 years old, she is amazingly mature and talented beyond her years.
She is an amazing singer, aspiring to become an opera star....
She is also a very pretty girl.
And she's a really great person, sweet, funny, and compassionate.
As far as being a younger sister, she's pretty cool.
We have our moments, of course, but overall Junia is a great person.
SO, for the life of me, I cannot understand two things when it comes to her...
1.) Why she dates these guys one can only label as F*&%tards
2.) Why do they always break up with her and break her heart
Last week her boyfriend Chris was supposed to come over a couple of times to practice with her and prepare for a little singing gig we were doing at the Table.
He canceled and, at the last minute, bailed on us, saying he had a sore throat.
He didn't bail.
His mom called and told us he wasn't coming.
THAT'S it.
Then, this evening, she was out with her friend Cortney, Christmas shopping, when she received a phone call from Chris.
As I wasn't there, I don't know the full details of the conversation they had.
All I know is that it resulted in a phone call to our mother, who came into the living room, phone on her ear, and told me that Chris dumped Junia.
On the phone.
THREE days before Christmas.
Oh, but he told her he still loved her, she later told me as she sobbed and shook...
Now, I'm that kind of sister where I'M allowed to be a punk to Junia.
I've earned that right as older sister.
BUT, when she comes home in tears for whatever reason, my phazers are set to KILL.
I already have anger issues.
I already get angry at the drop of a hat for the most absurd reasons.
This kind of stuff sets my anger into overdrive.
I offered several times over the weekend to call Chris and tell him what I really thought about him...
Junia turned me down everytime, of course....
Because she loves him.
I guess it's a good thing he did it before Christmas...
She and dad are in the process of MAKING an electric guitar for the gormless prat.
When I say making, I mean making.
Dad has already crafted two guitars that he wields onstage from time to time, so this wasn't a problem.
And it would've been a fantastic gift for Chris, being a musician and all.
He's NEVER gonna see that guitar now.
The whole situation really sucks bollocks.
I just don't get it.
Junia is a fantastic person.
A great girlfriend, NOT that I know from experience...
Just observation.
One flaw is that she chooses guys who are emotionally unstable and/or just retards.
She's made of stronger stuff, though...
I know she'll get through it...
At 17 years old, she is amazingly mature and talented beyond her years.
She is an amazing singer, aspiring to become an opera star....
She is also a very pretty girl.
And she's a really great person, sweet, funny, and compassionate.
As far as being a younger sister, she's pretty cool.
We have our moments, of course, but overall Junia is a great person.
SO, for the life of me, I cannot understand two things when it comes to her...
1.) Why she dates these guys one can only label as F*&%tards
2.) Why do they always break up with her and break her heart
Last week her boyfriend Chris was supposed to come over a couple of times to practice with her and prepare for a little singing gig we were doing at the Table.
He canceled and, at the last minute, bailed on us, saying he had a sore throat.
He didn't bail.
His mom called and told us he wasn't coming.
THAT'S it.
Then, this evening, she was out with her friend Cortney, Christmas shopping, when she received a phone call from Chris.
As I wasn't there, I don't know the full details of the conversation they had.
All I know is that it resulted in a phone call to our mother, who came into the living room, phone on her ear, and told me that Chris dumped Junia.
On the phone.
THREE days before Christmas.
Oh, but he told her he still loved her, she later told me as she sobbed and shook...
Now, I'm that kind of sister where I'M allowed to be a punk to Junia.
I've earned that right as older sister.
BUT, when she comes home in tears for whatever reason, my phazers are set to KILL.
I already have anger issues.
I already get angry at the drop of a hat for the most absurd reasons.
This kind of stuff sets my anger into overdrive.
I offered several times over the weekend to call Chris and tell him what I really thought about him...
Junia turned me down everytime, of course....
Because she loves him.
I guess it's a good thing he did it before Christmas...
She and dad are in the process of MAKING an electric guitar for the gormless prat.
When I say making, I mean making.
Dad has already crafted two guitars that he wields onstage from time to time, so this wasn't a problem.
And it would've been a fantastic gift for Chris, being a musician and all.
He's NEVER gonna see that guitar now.
The whole situation really sucks bollocks.
I just don't get it.
Junia is a fantastic person.
A great girlfriend, NOT that I know from experience...
Just observation.
One flaw is that she chooses guys who are emotionally unstable and/or just retards.
She's made of stronger stuff, though...
I know she'll get through it...
As today is the 22nd of December, I feel it is only neccessary to point out that Christmas is 3 days away...
2 if you count Christmas Eve.
Which I do.
See, every Christmas Eve, my dad's side of the family gets together at my grandparent's house.
This means my parents, sister, my grandparents, my uncle Laris and Aunt Linda, my cousin Tiara and her Husband Joe, My cousin Tiffany and her Husband Taren, their kids Kaylin and baby Wyatt, and my cousin Eric, and my great-uncle Bud and his wife Lorraine.
As of the past couple of years, my mother's parents have also joined in with the Christmas Eve Festivities, which is always fabulous.
Another new addition to the Eve fest has been the White Elephant gift game, for which I purchased a strange looking Elf-Fairy dude.
He resembles that of a yard gnome in that he's plump and looks as if he has rosacea, but he has these stubby little wings that made me lose it in the middle of TJ Maxx when I first saw him amongst the random Christmas Decorations.
A while back, we decided to change the regular "get EVERYONE a gift" idea, and do a Secret Santa Gift exchange instead, which has gone fairly well.
We still get the little ones gifts, and Grandma and Grandpa NEVER abide by the rules and always get everyone a gift, but it's still fun.
For the past two years, I drew Taren's name from the bowl.
The first year I was totally clueless as to what to get this guy.
Then I remembered the constant back-and-forth ribbing we give each other, and the evil smile crept upon my face.
When he opened his gift that Christmas Eve, the family was in an uproar of laughter as he pulled out a T-shirt with the words "I'M WITH STUPID" sprawled acrossed it chest.
The amusing part was that the words were crowned with an arrow pointing up to the collar of the shirt, calling the wearer stupid, instead of the usual arrow pointing to side, which would put into question the intelligence of one who would stand next to the wearer of the shirt.
LUCKY me, I drew his name again for last Christmas Eve.
How to top the shirt, was the question.
For now, it was no longer a gift of neccessity or want, but a gift of what could get the biggest laughs.
Christmas Eve had now melded with April Fools Day.
The deliciously Evil idea crept into my mind one day last fall....
One that was to the highest degree of evil that my mother nearly wet herself from laughter at the thought.
LAST CHRISTMAS EVE, I made sure Taren was the last member to open his gift.
I made a big show of it, if you can imagine.
Not that it wasn't a show already.
The box itself was as tall as I am, but only 9 inches wide all around.
Obnoxious enough, I also took the liberty of fashioning a tag out of a scrapbook page.
In big bold letters I put the TO: TAREN, FROM:TAHREA.
As he opened the box of obnoxiousness, there were several chuckles and titters.
He pulled out the packing paper I stuffed into the box.
Then the Tinstle.
More Tinstle....
Then Tissue Paper.
THEN some more packing paper.
THEN, a small bag of rocks.
The other bag of rocks.
FINALLY, a small gift bag taped up.
After a few minutes of dealing with the bag, he opened it and pulled out an altoids box.
Opening the box, he pulled out seven different gift cards, and turned to me.
The chuckles and tittering had morphed into uproars...
With my deliciously evil grin, I said, "Taren, you have before you seven gift cards, ranging in denominations of a penny to $20, and it's... your job to figure out which is which!"
More uproars.
This gift really went over a lot better than I had imagined.
After cleaning up the mess, Taren made a show of wanting MY name for this year's Christmas....
I wonder what deliciously evil gift he has for me...
I've been told he is VERY excited about it....
2 if you count Christmas Eve.
Which I do.
See, every Christmas Eve, my dad's side of the family gets together at my grandparent's house.
This means my parents, sister, my grandparents, my uncle Laris and Aunt Linda, my cousin Tiara and her Husband Joe, My cousin Tiffany and her Husband Taren, their kids Kaylin and baby Wyatt, and my cousin Eric, and my great-uncle Bud and his wife Lorraine.
As of the past couple of years, my mother's parents have also joined in with the Christmas Eve Festivities, which is always fabulous.
Another new addition to the Eve fest has been the White Elephant gift game, for which I purchased a strange looking Elf-Fairy dude.
He resembles that of a yard gnome in that he's plump and looks as if he has rosacea, but he has these stubby little wings that made me lose it in the middle of TJ Maxx when I first saw him amongst the random Christmas Decorations.
A while back, we decided to change the regular "get EVERYONE a gift" idea, and do a Secret Santa Gift exchange instead, which has gone fairly well.
We still get the little ones gifts, and Grandma and Grandpa NEVER abide by the rules and always get everyone a gift, but it's still fun.
For the past two years, I drew Taren's name from the bowl.
The first year I was totally clueless as to what to get this guy.
Then I remembered the constant back-and-forth ribbing we give each other, and the evil smile crept upon my face.
When he opened his gift that Christmas Eve, the family was in an uproar of laughter as he pulled out a T-shirt with the words "I'M WITH STUPID" sprawled acrossed it chest.
The amusing part was that the words were crowned with an arrow pointing up to the collar of the shirt, calling the wearer stupid, instead of the usual arrow pointing to side, which would put into question the intelligence of one who would stand next to the wearer of the shirt.
LUCKY me, I drew his name again for last Christmas Eve.
How to top the shirt, was the question.
For now, it was no longer a gift of neccessity or want, but a gift of what could get the biggest laughs.
Christmas Eve had now melded with April Fools Day.
The deliciously Evil idea crept into my mind one day last fall....
One that was to the highest degree of evil that my mother nearly wet herself from laughter at the thought.
LAST CHRISTMAS EVE, I made sure Taren was the last member to open his gift.
I made a big show of it, if you can imagine.
Not that it wasn't a show already.
The box itself was as tall as I am, but only 9 inches wide all around.
Obnoxious enough, I also took the liberty of fashioning a tag out of a scrapbook page.
In big bold letters I put the TO: TAREN, FROM:TAHREA.
As he opened the box of obnoxiousness, there were several chuckles and titters.
He pulled out the packing paper I stuffed into the box.
Then the Tinstle.
More Tinstle....
Then Tissue Paper.
THEN some more packing paper.
THEN, a small bag of rocks.
The other bag of rocks.
FINALLY, a small gift bag taped up.
After a few minutes of dealing with the bag, he opened it and pulled out an altoids box.
Opening the box, he pulled out seven different gift cards, and turned to me.
The chuckles and tittering had morphed into uproars...
With my deliciously evil grin, I said, "Taren, you have before you seven gift cards, ranging in denominations of a penny to $20, and it's... your job to figure out which is which!"
More uproars.
This gift really went over a lot better than I had imagined.
After cleaning up the mess, Taren made a show of wanting MY name for this year's Christmas....
I wonder what deliciously evil gift he has for me...
I've been told he is VERY excited about it....
Thursday, December 18, 2008
I didn't ask for this punishment... OR Have I mentioned how much I REALLY hate Hannah Montana?
Another christmas present victory!!!
Mom has been in... awe, I guess is the best word, over this *SHUDDER* Hannah Montana guitar thing she found recently in a Target catalog.
NOT for her self, dear God, but for Madison and Grace.
When she asked the two what they wanted for Christmas, mom was greeted with these responses...
Madi: What was your lipgloss we just used?
Mom: It is Dr. Pepper Flavored chapstick.
Madi: I want some of that.
Grace: ME TOO!
Mom: It is Dr. Pepper Flavored chapstick.
Madi: I want some of that.
Grace: ME TOO!
Mom: What else do you want for Christmas? Do you want clothes, or games??
Madi: Uhm...
Grace: YEAH!
Mom: Do you want any Hannah Montana stuff?
Mom: Okay, what kind of Hannah Montana stuff?
Madi: A Hannah Montana Guitar!
Grace: YEAH! Me too!
Mom: Okay...
And so the adventure began.
Mom: Okay...
And so the adventure began.
The poor woman originally had her eyes on these acoustic guitars for the girls, til she saw they are $80 a pop.
YEAH, that's what we want to buy for them, just so they can turn around and NOT play with it a month later...
THEN, Lo and behold, Target held the answer...
A Hannah Montana Guitar in which it had three of her songs already programmed.
A Hannah Montana Guitar in which it had three of her songs already programmed.
For $25!!!
But we don't normally make it up to Target.
For $25!!!
But we don't normally make it up to Target.
So, shopping in Wal-mart, I attempted to look about the Toy Dept. to find such an item...
to NO avail.
Double Argh.
All seemed lost.
And on top of that, money is kinda tight right now, so it looked grim...
Mom was disappointed that she couldn't get the girls the guitars.
And on top of that, money is kinda tight right now, so it looked grim...
Mom was disappointed that she couldn't get the girls the guitars.
She was sad because she didn't think we'd be able to get them much at all.
THEN, today at work, my dear and wonderful manager Jen and I were discussing her two girls, and what she was getting them.
After I poured out our sob story, she informed me that ODD LOTS had the guitar for which mom was looking.
I flipped out.
After work, I scrambled over to the store and rushed to the toy section.
I scoured the aisles looking for the freaking guitars, but couldn't find hide nor hair of 'em.
I scoured the aisles looking for the freaking guitars, but couldn't find hide nor hair of 'em.
I went up to the counter and asked a nice older manager about the guitars.
I went up to the counter and asked a nice older manager about the guitars.
He rounded the counter and led me to a skid which I had sailed by and, LO AND BEHOLD, THERE was a stack of the guitars!!
I could've kissed the man!
I could've kissed the man!
AND they were only $20!
I scooped up two and quickly made my way up to the register and out the door.
When mom woke up and saw what awaited her on the kitchen table, she was quite joyous.
I made her the happiest woman in the world.
NOW, the two large toys are sweetly nestled in their wrapping paper.
Several other small Hannah Montana gifts are also individually wrapped on top of the guitars as well....
Several other small Hannah Montana gifts are also individually wrapped on top of the guitars as well....
All now await Christmas day....
Which is only seven freaking days away.
Good God...
Now we just have to get some stuff for the baby and we are set.....
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Christmas is a week away. Just thought I'd share that...
Guess who got her Christmas shopping done!!!
Well, I have a couple of minor things still to get, BUT, for the most part, I'm done!!!!
Thank God!
Okay, overload of exclamation marks.
I'm so glad I got my gifts...
This year, I just got stuff for mom, dad, Junia, Madison, Grace, Nevaeh, and my cousin Tiara, since I drew her name in the family secret santa thing this year.
Kim and I went to Easton today.
That was fun.
We ate at Brio and Starbucks, and walked around, looking at the lights.
And I got the second part of my gift for Tiara and mom's gifts.
Then, I came home and did one of my favorite things...
I LOVE wrapping gifts.
Now I have to get a gift for our family's White Elephant gift game and some stuff for the girls, and I am set, and with 8 days to spare.
Well, 7 since I'll be giving Tiara's gift to her on Christmas Eve.
In any case, I'll be getting the final gifts on Saturday, since that's my next free day.
Technically, I won't be FREE since I'll be babysitting Nevaeh....
BUT, I'll take her shopping with me....
Not like she has a choice, being a baby and all...
I can't believe Christmas is a week away.
a WEEK away.
That's 7 days!
I'm off Christmas Eve and Day, which means I'll be baking and cooking my pattootie off with mommy dearest while simultaneously keeping her from taking that final step over the brink of insanity.
At least she doesn't drink.
Well, I have a couple of minor things still to get, BUT, for the most part, I'm done!!!!
Thank God!
Okay, overload of exclamation marks.
I'm so glad I got my gifts...
This year, I just got stuff for mom, dad, Junia, Madison, Grace, Nevaeh, and my cousin Tiara, since I drew her name in the family secret santa thing this year.
Kim and I went to Easton today.
That was fun.
We ate at Brio and Starbucks, and walked around, looking at the lights.
And I got the second part of my gift for Tiara and mom's gifts.
Then, I came home and did one of my favorite things...
I LOVE wrapping gifts.
Now I have to get a gift for our family's White Elephant gift game and some stuff for the girls, and I am set, and with 8 days to spare.
Well, 7 since I'll be giving Tiara's gift to her on Christmas Eve.
In any case, I'll be getting the final gifts on Saturday, since that's my next free day.
Technically, I won't be FREE since I'll be babysitting Nevaeh....
BUT, I'll take her shopping with me....
Not like she has a choice, being a baby and all...
I can't believe Christmas is a week away.
a WEEK away.
That's 7 days!
I'm off Christmas Eve and Day, which means I'll be baking and cooking my pattootie off with mommy dearest while simultaneously keeping her from taking that final step over the brink of insanity.
At least she doesn't drink.
another breath
The stillness comes
as teardrops fall
another breath...
He reaches for her hand
squeezes it with love
and tries to understand
this blessing from above
So suddenly
Life has changed
So suddenly
so strange.
From one last sigh
and one last cry
another breath...
He brushes away her hair
she smiles through the pain
But all he does is stare
as he cleans up the stains
So suddenly
Life has changed
so suddenly
so strange.
How quietly
The world now seems
another breath...
He hands her the child
who opens up his eyes
and only stares for while...
They marvel as he cries
So suddenly
Their lives have changed
So suddenly
So strange.
She whispers her joy
to her new baby boy
another breath...
another breath...
All is calm
all is at peace
as the teenage mom
cradles the new born king.
So suddenly
their lives he'll change
so wonderful
so strange...
as teardrops fall
another breath...
He reaches for her hand
squeezes it with love
and tries to understand
this blessing from above
So suddenly
Life has changed
So suddenly
so strange.
From one last sigh
and one last cry
another breath...
He brushes away her hair
she smiles through the pain
But all he does is stare
as he cleans up the stains
So suddenly
Life has changed
so suddenly
so strange.
How quietly
The world now seems
another breath...
He hands her the child
who opens up his eyes
and only stares for while...
They marvel as he cries
So suddenly
Their lives have changed
So suddenly
So strange.
She whispers her joy
to her new baby boy
another breath...
another breath...
All is calm
all is at peace
as the teenage mom
cradles the new born king.
So suddenly
their lives he'll change
so wonderful
so strange...
Monday, December 15, 2008
Some rum recipes....
Just found this website...
And from it, I acquired this new recipe...
Black Stripe
2 oz dark rum
1 tsp molasses or honey
hot water
lemon twist
cinnamon stick for garnish
Pour the dark rum and molasses or honey into an Irish coffee glass.
Twist a lemon twist over the glass and drop it into the glass.
Fill the glass with hot water.
Garnish with a cinnamon stick.
I'm totally drinking it.
Think I'll try this one later....
Cafe Barbados
Cafè Barbados is very similar to a Cafè Caribbean, the main difference is that this one uses a coffee liqueur instead of amaretto. Using dark rum in a coffee cocktail as opposed to a lighter rum matches the robust flavors of a good strong coffee nicely. Personally I prefer using shaved chocolate as a garnish, it tastes better than powdered chocolate.
1 1/2 oz dark rum
1/2 oz coffee liqueur
black coffee
whipped cream powdered chocolate or shaved chocolate for garnish
Pour the dark rum and coffee liqueur into an Irish coffee glass or coffee mug.
Fill with hot coffee.
Top with whipped cream Garnish with chocolate.
And from it, I acquired this new recipe...
Black Stripe
2 oz dark rum
1 tsp molasses or honey
hot water
lemon twist
cinnamon stick for garnish
Pour the dark rum and molasses or honey into an Irish coffee glass.
Twist a lemon twist over the glass and drop it into the glass.
Fill the glass with hot water.
Garnish with a cinnamon stick.
I'm totally drinking it.
Think I'll try this one later....
Cafe Barbados
Cafè Barbados is very similar to a Cafè Caribbean, the main difference is that this one uses a coffee liqueur instead of amaretto. Using dark rum in a coffee cocktail as opposed to a lighter rum matches the robust flavors of a good strong coffee nicely. Personally I prefer using shaved chocolate as a garnish, it tastes better than powdered chocolate.
1 1/2 oz dark rum
1/2 oz coffee liqueur
black coffee
whipped cream powdered chocolate or shaved chocolate for garnish
Pour the dark rum and coffee liqueur into an Irish coffee glass or coffee mug.
Fill with hot coffee.
Top with whipped cream Garnish with chocolate.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
What my dreams become.....
I try once again
to voice this dream of pain
I push past the hurt
and stomp off the dirt
I brush away a tear
forgetting how to fear
Why can't I awake
from this dark dream
Visions so pale
I can't look away
The child takes my hand
We now own the land
The killing takes a toll
It eats my soul
We now see what's real
forgetting how to feel
to voice this dream of pain
I push past the hurt
and stomp off the dirt
I brush away a tear
forgetting how to fear
Why can't I awake
from this dark dream
Visions so pale
I can't look away
The child takes my hand
We now own the land
The killing takes a toll
It eats my soul
We now see what's real
forgetting how to feel
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
:- /
I realized it has been years since I picked up the fantastical tale of Treasure Island.
SO, when had this question posed to me,"Is your production of Treasure Island true to the story??????" I totally drew a blank.
Being the ever quick thinker that I am (ha), I went to this link and read a synopsis about the story...,pageNum-4.html
Luckily, from what I read, Brian Way did a fantastic job in translating the story to play form.
So, I can truthfully tell people, "YES, this play is pretty true to the story."
In other news, one of the actors in Playing Away had to fly to New York yesterday, to see his dying mother.
I know.
It is all around terrible.
Needless to say, he won't be in the production this weekend.
BUT, Barry, the director, is gonna take the role over and be a hero.
Tonight's brush-up should be.... interesting.
We definitely can't screw around like we normally do on brush-up, since he'll be attempting to memorize lines and whatnot.
Dang it.
SO, when had this question posed to me,"Is your production of Treasure Island true to the story??????" I totally drew a blank.
Being the ever quick thinker that I am (ha), I went to this link and read a synopsis about the story...,pageNum-4.html
Luckily, from what I read, Brian Way did a fantastic job in translating the story to play form.
So, I can truthfully tell people, "YES, this play is pretty true to the story."
In other news, one of the actors in Playing Away had to fly to New York yesterday, to see his dying mother.
I know.
It is all around terrible.
Needless to say, he won't be in the production this weekend.
BUT, Barry, the director, is gonna take the role over and be a hero.
Tonight's brush-up should be.... interesting.
We definitely can't screw around like we normally do on brush-up, since he'll be attempting to memorize lines and whatnot.
Dang it.
Monday, December 8, 2008
The year without sanity.....
First weekend down.
It went well.
Friday's audience was well received, and, likewise, received the play with much laughter and applause.
We were definitely pumped and full of energy.
Saturday's audience.
They laughed and clapped....
They failed as an audience.
'nough said.
Yesterday's audience surprised me.
Actually they surprised us all.
It was a good sized audience for a Sunday Matinee, and it wasn't all little old people as usual...
And we were overwhelmed with such an uproar of laughter, we were on top of the world.
It was a really great weekend overall.
I'm still waiting to hear back from Mr. Williams about what they have decided as far as this whole musical director thing goes....
As any of my family members can tell you, I have nooooooooooo patience.
I do not score well on the wait-and-sit-on-my-duff 'O meter....
Oh no...
Mix 7 oz. of my lack of patience with 5 cups of I-hate-surprises and 4 teaspoons of anxiety, and let it stew for a about a week.
You have me.
Stewing away....
Tonight I'm heading back up to Groveport to add myself to yet ANOTHER cast of characters.
I have NO idea who is in this one...
Nor do I know the director.
But I will after tonight I guess.
I'm kinda worried about who might be there....
Could be veeeeeeeeeeery interesting.
Hopefully there is at least one or two people who aren't short of a bob or two...
I read a synopsis on the Tempest so I have a general idea as of what is going on story-wise...
Other than that, I have no idea what this guy wants me to do....
Guess I should get my sparkling personality out.
I'll dust it off and shove it in my pocket before I leave in case I need it...
I guess getting as much experience as possible is good...
I just can't believe I've just jumped from Lear to Playing Away and now to the Tempest.
THEN, I won't have anytime to breath when it comes time for Treasure Island.
Good Grief!
I'm not gonna get any rest from theatre til.........
Holy Crap!
Even though Treasure Island ends in the beginning of April, I'll have the studio's show/recital to work on, and that goes up on the...
16th of May....
And if I get this musical director position, the musical will go up in the end of April...
Good Golly Miss Molly.....
No rest for the Wicked...
I have totally booked myself solid with Theatre stuff.
AND, there has been some talk of doing a children's production of sorts during the summer at RTP....
AND I know the studio will have some sort of camp thing going on.
I really need to stop looking ahead for a second...
NO social life for the wicked, either I guess...
It will be a straight year of theatre...
First weekend down.
It went well.
Friday's audience was well received, and, likewise, received the play with much laughter and applause.
We were definitely pumped and full of energy.
Saturday's audience.
They laughed and clapped....
They failed as an audience.
'nough said.
Yesterday's audience surprised me.
Actually they surprised us all.
It was a good sized audience for a Sunday Matinee, and it wasn't all little old people as usual...
And we were overwhelmed with such an uproar of laughter, we were on top of the world.
It was a really great weekend overall.
I'm still waiting to hear back from Mr. Williams about what they have decided as far as this whole musical director thing goes....
As any of my family members can tell you, I have nooooooooooo patience.
I do not score well on the wait-and-sit-on-my-duff 'O meter....
Oh no...
Mix 7 oz. of my lack of patience with 5 cups of I-hate-surprises and 4 teaspoons of anxiety, and let it stew for a about a week.
You have me.
Stewing away....
Tonight I'm heading back up to Groveport to add myself to yet ANOTHER cast of characters.
I have NO idea who is in this one...
Nor do I know the director.
But I will after tonight I guess.
I'm kinda worried about who might be there....
Could be veeeeeeeeeeery interesting.
Hopefully there is at least one or two people who aren't short of a bob or two...
I read a synopsis on the Tempest so I have a general idea as of what is going on story-wise...
Other than that, I have no idea what this guy wants me to do....
Guess I should get my sparkling personality out.
I'll dust it off and shove it in my pocket before I leave in case I need it...
I guess getting as much experience as possible is good...
I just can't believe I've just jumped from Lear to Playing Away and now to the Tempest.
THEN, I won't have anytime to breath when it comes time for Treasure Island.
Good Grief!
I'm not gonna get any rest from theatre til.........
Holy Crap!
Even though Treasure Island ends in the beginning of April, I'll have the studio's show/recital to work on, and that goes up on the...
16th of May....
And if I get this musical director position, the musical will go up in the end of April...
Good Golly Miss Molly.....
No rest for the Wicked...
I have totally booked myself solid with Theatre stuff.
AND, there has been some talk of doing a children's production of sorts during the summer at RTP....
AND I know the studio will have some sort of camp thing going on.
I really need to stop looking ahead for a second...
NO social life for the wicked, either I guess...
It will be a straight year of theatre...
King Lear,
musical theatre,
Playing Away,
the tempest,
Treasure Island
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Victory! or My search for a musical....
Have you ever had a moment where you know you've just won a small victory, or the word "BOOYAH!" goes through your head as you walk away from a situation, feeling highly triumphant???
I've had a couple this week, and I gotta tell ya, it feels gooooooooooood.
If you're like, lacking in patience, these small spurts of VICTORY can help tide you over til the real triumph occurs.
I love it.
In other news, I've been looking at musicals.
For the High school gig.
Not that I've gotten it yet....
Just preparing...
You know...
Jane mentioned "Godspell" tonight, which I know little to nothing about.
I just came acrossed "Bye Bye Birdie."
I love Ann-Margaret.
But I hate High School Musical.
I swear.
Everytime I google any combination of the words High, school, and musical, THAT is what pops up.
I've done "musicals for high school students" and "musicals for high school performances."
Danielle suggested Grease.
That's gonna be a bitter tasting word for way too many of these kids....
And it'll probably be that way for a year or two...
But I digress.
I wonder how hard the Music Man would be.....
I should just suggest Rocky Horror Picture Show and be done with it.
That'll get me the job....
Tonight was the last of my classes for 2008.
A month without musical Theatre...
What will I do with myself????
Plenty, I'm sure...
Our play opens tomorrow.
Should be interesting.
Rehearsal was special tonight.
But, I guess a crappy Dress Rehearsal makes for a great performance, right?
At least, that's the hope.........
I've had a couple this week, and I gotta tell ya, it feels gooooooooooood.
If you're like, lacking in patience, these small spurts of VICTORY can help tide you over til the real triumph occurs.
I love it.
In other news, I've been looking at musicals.
For the High school gig.
Not that I've gotten it yet....
Just preparing...
You know...
Jane mentioned "Godspell" tonight, which I know little to nothing about.
I just came acrossed "Bye Bye Birdie."
I love Ann-Margaret.
But I hate High School Musical.
I swear.
Everytime I google any combination of the words High, school, and musical, THAT is what pops up.
I've done "musicals for high school students" and "musicals for high school performances."
Danielle suggested Grease.
That's gonna be a bitter tasting word for way too many of these kids....
And it'll probably be that way for a year or two...
But I digress.
I wonder how hard the Music Man would be.....
I should just suggest Rocky Horror Picture Show and be done with it.
That'll get me the job....
Tonight was the last of my classes for 2008.
A month without musical Theatre...
What will I do with myself????
Plenty, I'm sure...
Our play opens tomorrow.
Should be interesting.
Rehearsal was special tonight.
But, I guess a crappy Dress Rehearsal makes for a great performance, right?
At least, that's the hope.........
musical theatre,
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
My poetry=you
I walk the lonely street
to my car
wandering home
from the crowded bar
I wish I knew how to love you
without leaving the scars
I'll find out when my time is up
But I'm still trying to fight
and trying to find my path
in the dark night
Struggling with your reality
and all that you mean to me
wondering if you still see
or if your power has become you
If vanity transformed your truth...
This pain holds me captive
and it hurts to breath
It keeps me in its nightmares...
I cry out in the smile of strangers
I sing along with their silent melody
working towards the light that I can't see
I hold it close to my broken heart
That has begun to fall apart
I keep it in the empty hole
left behind by my lonely soul....
Now I wonder if you're worth the pain
or if love exists to gain
I realize my poetry
will now become you and who you are to me....
to my car
wandering home
from the crowded bar
I wish I knew how to love you
without leaving the scars
I'll find out when my time is up
But I'm still trying to fight
and trying to find my path
in the dark night
Struggling with your reality
and all that you mean to me
wondering if you still see
or if your power has become you
If vanity transformed your truth...
This pain holds me captive
and it hurts to breath
It keeps me in its nightmares...
I cry out in the smile of strangers
I sing along with their silent melody
working towards the light that I can't see
I hold it close to my broken heart
That has begun to fall apart
I keep it in the empty hole
left behind by my lonely soul....
Now I wonder if you're worth the pain
or if love exists to gain
I realize my poetry
will now become you and who you are to me....
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
A night of minor setbacks.....
The director, Susan, offered me the role of Florabell so and so....
NOT Goldie...
Goldie's best friend.
John said he thought I was being a bit of a diva because I said I wasn't going to do LJJ because I didn't get the part for which l auditioned.
AND I've decided to audition for The Tempest with Rosebriar.
They still need actors for the play, and I'm just free enough to do it.
I'm cool like that.
I posted my last blog, like many others, on my myspace blog.
My mother commented on it....
I adore this woman.
"Regan truly was a pivotal point for your career as an actor; one that will open new emotions and perspectives for you. Your performance of Regan was beyond the mundane and it doesn't suffice with a descriptive "you were wonderful"...coming down from that high only to be met with a small supportive role or extra in an obscure, unknown musical is an adjustment, to say the least. You would do greatly in whatever role you play...but, what do I know; I'm just your greatest fan."
Little Johnny Jones,
the tempest
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