Sunday, October 10, 2010

It could be worse but I'm glad it's not....

I should be asleep. I SHOULD be. I'm in bed. It is late at night. I should be asleep. But I'm not. Instead I find myself sinking into the melancholy void that tends to overtake me when I find myself suddenly alone. Sometimes it hits me when I'm driving alone or when I'm doing something menial at work; random actions which one does alone. UGH... it's hard to shake sometimes. It isn't that I'm depressed, just... brooding in my solitude. This is a state few "emo" kids can only hope to achieve, y'know.
No I'm not depressed. That's not it. I mean, about what have I to be depressed? Yeah, I've got a few things pulling against me right now, but I've got a few great things going for me. I have several things to which I am look forward including a date with a pretty decent guy on Friday. I am surrounded by friends and family. I have a terrific theatre family who is overwhelming me with SO many great memories and moments....
...but I'm still in this funk. Bleh. At least I am feeling sleep pull at my eyes, slowing my fingers as they dash across this keyboard. My intent on writing tonight was to expel poetic nonsense about my sense of self seclusion and lonesome feeling. Yet here I sit, babbling. I guess I just need to keep repeating "It could be worse but I'm glad it's not...." Words by which to live.

It could be worse but I'm glad it's not....

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