Monday, March 23, 2009

2009, thus far.... and a fear revisited and revised...
In a previous blog, I asked what 2009 would have in store for me.
I think it is safe to say that by April 5th, four major events will have occurred/have occured....
1.) I am FINALLY dating Josh Boley.
2.) Samantha will FINALLY present Baby Ava to the world.
3.) I will have successfully directed my first show.
4.) I will have turned 22 on March 30th.
VERY exciting stuff.

Not many people know this, but I have a terrible and HIGHLY IRRATIONAL fear of zombies.
(Pause for laughter)
I'm not kidding at all.
It totally outweighs my fears of clowns or water.
(Pause for more laughter)
I strive to avoid any and all movies, TV Shows, and converstations dealing with the subject, with one terrible exception.
A few years ago, Max and I sat down and watched The Thing, and then segued into Dawn of the Dead (The new one with Ving Rhames.)
Biggest mistake ever.
I thought watching the movie would help me face my fear.
It totally just exacerbated the problem, and worsened my fear.
For whatever reason, the theme entered my dreams last night, causing me to shoot up out of bed, panting and sweating.
Basically, Josh was a zombie, as were several people around him, but they were intelligent and were able to function as normal human beings.
Only with the overwhelming desire to eat me.
Luckily, he loved me enough to control it.
(Cheesy, I know.)
So it was kinda like they were vampires, but not.
After calming down, praying to God to calm me down, and realizing that Josh isn't a zombie that really wants to eat me, I realized the concept of intelligent zombies wasn't a bad one, especially if one were write a screenplay.....
I'm going to play with it a bit and see what happens, but I think I'm on to something...

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