Saturday, April 10, 2010

Georgia (and Florida), Part Eight

This is my last blog from Florida. In a few short hours I will be in the Sarasota Airport headed to Atlanta. My flight leaves at 6 AM, first class. Once I'm in Atlanta, I have a short layover and then I'm on my way to OHIO! My flight in Atlanta will land me in my grand home state around 10:30 am where I will be greeted by my loving Josh and his darling mother Rhonda.

Today's itinerary started us off with breakfast on the beach, a trip to Mixons, Red Barn, and then church service at their church, Bayside Community Church. AMAZING! After church, they took me to Siesta Beach to see and feel the powdery amazing-ness of the sand there. Powdery and amazing! Then We went to meet Scott and Gwenn Keefer, friends of Carol and Ray (Scott is also a '83 grad of TVHS), and we finished the evening with dinner at Mattison's. It is an awesome outside cafe finished off with a bar and live band. Tooooons of drunk old people dancing. I dragged Shawn over so we could partake of the drunkness, dancy awesomeness. As I was begrudgingly forced to leave by my cohorts, I kinda danced to the music around the fence that ran the perimeter of the patio and the lead singer, some older, Allman brother wannabe (it was a good band, don't get me wrong) hollered something at me in the mic, though I don't know what it was. I wasn't sure if I was the one he was attempting to communicate with during the song until he pointedly looked right at me. I laughed and told the others, "He just said something to me!" Then Ray noticed the guy continuing to watch me walk all the way around the fence. I turned around and saw that the guy's eyes were glued on me, lol, so I danced for a second and blew him a kiss. I was peeved I couldn't run back up there with the old folks and keep dancing like a fool, but it was time to go.

Now I must face the grueling task of finishing my packing, showering, and getting an hour's worth of sleeping. UGH. I also am not looking forward to leaving these wonderful people I've come to know. The folks I've met have asked me when/if I'm coming back. ARGH. I hate that I have to go, but I am glad to head home. I so wish Florida and Ohio were a bit closer. Distance is a terrible thing at times. Thank God for the internet.
I'm also kinda bummed I don't get to travel in one of those couch sized planes again. :o) That is an adventure I'd try again.

God, please keep me safe as I travel back home tomorrow. Keep my suitcase where it needs to be and get it home safely as well. Amen.

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