Friday, February 6, 2009

It starts.....

Tonight is opening night for Little Johnny Jones.
I say that because we wanted to take the girls to see it last week, and had to postpone.
That is the worst thing in the world to me, cancelling or postponing plans with Madison and Grace.
Because they NEVER forget...
BUT, I think we're going to take them this Sunday.
Another reason I'm pleased that the show is starting is the sooner they get started and over with, the soooooooooner I can really dive into Treasure Island!
THAT will be thrilling.
I'm going to go nuts with costuming and everything right away.
Oh yeah.
We're going to get EVERYTHING done early.
THEN, everyone is going to get together on the 28th and we're going to build the set and start painting.
And when everyone leaves, I'm going to paint the stage.
I'll probably have someone like mom with me just because I don't fancy staying by my lonesome in the theatre....
It can sometimes prove to be a little spooky....
BUT that's another story entirely.
Now, I'm off to the Tuscan Table with an ability to convince strangers that I love it when they call me Ma'am, and a pocket full of dreams....

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