Tuesday, March 16, 2010

An Ode to the sick and ill at heart

A cough,
a sniffle,
a fear,
a pill,
a pillow,
A temperature,
 a sneeze,
a tissue,
a tissue,
a cough,
a glare,
a tissue,
a pill,
 a pillow,
A temperature,
a cough,
a cough,
a coughing fit,
a sneeze,
 a sniffle,
a red nose,
a growl of frustration,
a cough,
a sneeze,
a tissue,
a tissue,
a pathetic moan,
two pills,
a pillow.
A cough,
an string of incoherent growls and moans,
a sneeze,
two tissues,
a pill,
a sneeze,
a tissue,
a coughing fit,
an sneeze,
a pill,
two pillows.

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