Monday, July 27, 2009

Theatre.... just a thought.... aka rant

If you have not been living under a rock lately, you know that I've been slathering myself with everything theatrical.
It should leave little to no doubt then that I have been concentrating on that very subject.
Within the past 24 hours, I've been contemplating something specifically.
More specifically, actors who unknowingly screw themselves out of future theatrical endeavours.
This is something I have experienced with a couple of different theatre groups, so I cannot say this disease centered on one in particular.
If you are still scratching your head, I shall elaborate...
When performing in ANY given production, you should be mindful of those around you, whether they be your fellow cast mates or production crew.
Because if you, for instance, act like a totally jerk, or a diva, towards your current director or fellow cast members, you run the grand risk of offending future directors, thus potentially screwing yourself out of any fun future roles.
If you are snarky, smarmy, or obnoxiously rude to the director, you run the MAJOR risk of pissing said director off.
If you get the right director, you may find yourself kicked out of the cast and replaced.
You may also find that this director seems all too ready to kill you.
Perhaps it's because you are a ginormous tool.
Just a thought.
Another thing to keep in mind is this:
If you are inconsistently missing rehearsals over the span of a month or two, chances are you've pissed the director off.
If yoy have legit reasons that you've already discussed with the director, groovy.
BUT, if you just decide to do something else rather than show up for rehearsal, you are also and ginorous tool.
Once again, you've probably also pissed your fellow cast mates (and potential future directors) off as well.

If you aren't happy with the fact that the director has given you a large sum of notes for your character, suck it up.
If they want you to write the notes down, do it.
If you feel it's unfair, WAIT until after rehearsal and have a heart-to-heart with the director.
Chances are if you are a lead or main role you will get a buttload of notes.
Welcome to theatre.

Bottom line........
-The director is a almighty force behind the production.
-Fighting with them could ruin your chances for advancement in future productions.
-Being a diva/jerk only pisses people off.
-People talk.

Just a thought....

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