Sunday, November 23, 2008

Not so much grey as it is scarlet...

Yesterday, as you may know, was the infamous Ohio State vs. Michigian game.
Every year, dad's family gathers around the television, all donned in scarlet and grey, to watch the game.
Oh, and there's always a smorgasborg of food.
That goes without saying.
So, yesterday morning, us Maynards got up and prepared for the day.
We cooked and dressed like mad fiends.
I myself decided to apply a temporary tattoo of the OSU symbol along with my buckeyes shirt.
After arriving at my cousin's, there was much hooplah and harried chaos as the game began.
Of course, the buckeyes won, 42-7.
In a celebratory fashion, mom and I wore our Buckeye garb to the local pizza joint to see a family band play.
Then I went out to visit with some friends at the restaurant.
When I got home, and decided to prepare for bed, I began my nightly ritual of brushing teeth and washing face.
Ah, that darn tattoo.
I had almost forgotten about until I saw it on my reflection in the mirror.
Some soap.
A washcloth.
No problem.

Some scrubbing......
Some scrubbing....
It's still there.
Only tiny bits had come off.
SO, some more scrubbing, a bit more vigorous this time.
After a few minutes of scrubbing, my cheek now lacked the tattoo, but donned a new bright red mark as if I had been slapped.
Oh well, thought I, it'll go away.
This morning, I woke up to find my cheek slightly stinging.
I went down the bathroom and gasped at my reflection.
My cheek now looked as if I had been in a fight with either a really cruel carpet or a small fire.
Not that I'm doing anything of importance today, such as play practice and a meeting at work, meaning I have to see people who are going to question what that huge red mark is on the side of my freaking face.
Not at all...
After being questioned by my horrified mother, I put neosporin on it and trudged to this computer to look up remedies.
Not sure how to search for what this was, I simply put rug burn treatments.
Then, out of spite, I looked up how to remove a temporary tattoo....
This I found to be hilarious.
Among other means of removal which would've been much more sensible and less painful, I found these two...

Grab a paper towel or a cloth and rub the tattoo vigorously until it is removed. Continue to add oil as needed
Take hand soap, dish soap, body wash, etc. and scrub, not too hard, but vigorously, until gone.

These were the others...
-Take some cooking oil, preferably olive oil, and apply it to your tattoo.
-Apply a reasonable amount of rubbing alcohol to a cloth or cotton ball. Rub until gone, also can use water with it.
-Take some clear Scotch tape, apply over the tattoo, and rip off. Don't worry, Scotch tape isn't sticky enough to hurt- only sticky enough to remove temporary tattoos!
-You can also put a little baby oil on it before you go to bed, and when you wake up, it will be gone.

Much more sensible than waking up looking like Tommy Lee Jones when he played Two Face in Batman and Robin.....
Now I have to memorize the rest of my lines and figure out the perfect sob story for all the insightful questions I know I shall receive once I step foot out of this house........

Three Rug Burn Home Remedies

Do you have more than one child running around the house? Do your children's friends come over to play? Do you have rugs or carpets? If so, you've probably had to deal with rug burns or another. A child getting dragged across the floor by a friend or sibling seems like an inevitable part of playing and roughhousing. And, if they are dragged across a rug, it can leave a minor, but painful, rug burn behind. People often don't think of treating rug burns, figuring the only thing you can do is leave them be and let them heal on their own. But there are home remedies you can use to treat these minor injuries, and keep them from turning into something worse.

Apply Cold Water to the Rug Burn
You can treat a rug burn the same way you'd treat other first degree burns. The first step to treating a rug burn is to hold the injured area under cool, running water for about ten or even twenty minutes.Do not place ice directly on a rug burn. This could actually cause more damage to the injured area.

Keep the Rug Burn Dry
After removing the injured area from the water, gently but thoroughly dry the area with something soft and gentle, like a cotton ball.You want to keep a rug burn dry at all times. So, after baths and showers, give make sure the rug burn is thoroughly dry.

Clothes Can Irritate a Rug Burn
When fabric rubs against a rug burn, it can cause pain an irritation. It can also slow down the healing process, something you definitely don't want.So, if possible, try to wear clothes that won't rub against a rug burn. For example, if the rug burn is on your leg, wear skirts or shorts whenever possible. If the rug burn is on your arm, wear short sleeved shirts instead of long sleeved shirts. Making minor changes in the way you dress while your rug burn heals can make a world of difference.
What Not to Put on a Rug Burn
There are some things you definitely don't want to put on a rug burn, because they'd cause more harm than good. Some things you should avoid putting on the area are butter, lotions, powders (like baby powder), perfumes, sunscreen, alcohol, and baby oil. All of these things could cause irritation, and make the rug burn worse, and make it take longer to heal.

1 comment:

Danielle Filas said...

Suuuuuuuure it was a temporary tattoo and not a rug burn on your face. Suuuuuuuuure.