Friday, January 2, 2009

I told you so

We've all had this moment.
The moment where you realize, " I was RIGHT."
It is truly an awesome moment.
We've also had those moments that some times follow where we get to share our joy in the "I told you so" state.
I truly had one of those moments today.
I recently gave a friend advice.
Relationship advice.
And it was good advice.
Right on the nose.
Unfortunately, what they wanted to do did not line up with what I was advising them to do.
After so many agonizing minutes of trying to help and lead them into the right direction, I finally gave up and told them to "Follow their gut."
I gave this final statement knowing full well the consequences.
And I waited.
I waited for a week.
Then, today, I received the information that they had indeed gone with their gut.
They went ahead with their original plan.
Miserably, it seems.
I sat at the Table and raised my hands in triumph after hearing the news.
"I was right." I said, over and over again.
I was right.
Whadya know...
Now should come the "I told you so" moment, right?
Because I can be nice.
And kicking a dog when he's down isn't my bag.
Unless I hate the dog...
And the dog is only a metaphor for a human.
(Because I'd never actually kick a dog....
But I would kick another person....
What was I talking about?
Oh yea.............)
NOW, will this moment come?
I dunno.
I've gone through several scenarios, ranging from me patting my friend on the back and saying, "Well, I tried to warn you" to me being frustrated and haggardly spitting out "You know what? I told you! I told you what would happen, and it did!"
(I tend to overdramatize things sometimes.)
SO, who knows what will happen.

But I so told them.

1 comment:

Danielle Filas said...

YOU???!??!?! OVERDRAMATIZE?!?!? noooooooooo